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InvestEdge DataParser

DataParser brings InvestEdge into any Compliance Archive or Repository

With InvestEdge Connect, clients are able to access the same rich data and analytics as an advisor ensuring consistency in sharing account information.

DataParser is connector software to bring Investedge Client Portal chat data into any archive or eDiscovery system in use. DataParser helps you use the technology you want while still meeting your compliance and security policy requirements.





Key Features of Investedge DataParser

  • Automatically processes InvestEdge data.
  • Collects 1-1 and Multi-party Chats.
  • Maintains source transcripts from InvestEdge.
  • Message tagging and output options

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How does DataParser work?

DataParser is connector software designed to collect data directly from its source to preserve chain of custody and maintain metadata for legally defensible compliance. The data is then formatted and delivered to a specified destination.

Do I need a server for this service?

No. Let us handle everything for you with DataParser Cloud. Our dedicated DataParser Cloud Support team will monitor your service to ensure it is always uninterrupted processing and so that any issues that do occur are resolved immediately.