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Consolidating Messaging for Microsoft’s Copilot Integration

January 21, 2025

Microsoft CopilotThe excitement surrounding AI and Microsoft’s Copilot is now meeting the impasse of siloed content. Though IT teams have been working hard to integrate disparate repositories of data, such efforts often meet with user resistance and licensing. Perhaps the easiest (and fastest) solution is to transfer the critical content from platforms like ServiceNow, Bloomberg or SQL databases to M365 and Copilot.

Microsoft Security Copilot is a cloud-based AI platform that can assist security and compliance professionals in protecting their organization’s data. Security and compliance professionals can use Security Copilot to identify, summarize, triage, and remediate issues within the following Microsoft Purview solutions:

  • Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
  • Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management
  • Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance
  • Microsoft Purview eDiscovery

DataParser allows content from many platforms to be integrated into a compliance archive as industry regulations require. For instance, SEC regulation 17a-4 requires that all messaging be archived and available for supervision. These same processes can be used to bring content into AI engines so that clients can quickly avail themselves of the benefits of Copilot’s sophisticated analysis.

To take advantage of AI, institutions should consider a two-tier approach to implementing Microsoft’s Copilot.

First, review all content repositories to see which may be easily integrated or provide for API or other integration.

Second, use a software platform like DataParser or Microsoft’s Power Automate to capture and convey content from platforms like ServiceNow, LivePerson, Bloomberg, Symphony, etc. into M365.

The goal, of course, is to have integrations between all repositories, however, often, in complex large institutions, this requires a long-time horizon.


DataParserMicrosoft Power Automate

For more conversations about using Copilot for messaging compliance.