17a-4 continues to enhance DataParser features for all supported interfaces. The new version of the DataParser is now in beta testing.
Millbrook, NY – 17a-4, LLC’s DataParser is a leading compliance solution to collect regulated data for retention in an archive. A new version of the DataParser is now in beta and undergoing extensive testing. Major feature enhancements will be available for all supported data sources/modules of the DataParser. Skype Online, Jabber, Teams, Symphony, Slack, Yammer and SharePoint are some of the DataParser modules that will leverage the new features.
The new DataParser features and enhancements are now being tested and will be rolled out to all clients over the next month. New improvements include but are not limited to the integration with Microsoft’s Azure’s AI Cognitive Services Text Analytics API and Azure Blob storage, updates to SMTP delivery, multi-output parallel process support, enhanced integration with Active Directory, expanded functions for MessageClass retrieval and updates to facilitate HTTPS communications.
DataParser maintains the integrity of the original messaging or collaboration content and preserves the ‘chain of custody’ through to the destination archives. It has no impact on the collected data source networks or destination archives; chat users’ activities are not disrupted by the DataParser’s processes and compliance officers do not have to make changes to eDiscovery procedures. All major archiving technologies are supported allowing clients to leverage in house resources and keep compliance costs to a minimum. VMs are supported, including AWS and Azure. Message delivery options include the ability to send into an archive, to a file location or a mailbox in Exchange or Office 365. The DataParser can also deliver to the third-party data endpoint for clients using Security & Compliance retention features in Office 365.
17a-4 is continually developing new modules and adding features to the DataParser roadmap. Clients can request feature enhancements and new interfaces and 17a-4 will work with the IT, Compliance and Legal teams through Beta testing to enhance the interface as requested.